Tribute Gifts

Give In Honor or In Memory

 A Tribute Gift  (In Honor) is a wonderful way to celebrate a wedding, anniversary, birthday, graduation, retirement, major milestones or any other special occasion in a loved one’s life. This special gift will help people with disabilities while acknowledging the special importance a loved one has in your heart.

Please feel free to contact our Foundation Office to have an In-Honour Card mailed to your Honouree acknowledging your kind gift. A receipt will be issued to the donor for income tax purposes.


A Memorial Gift is a thoughtful and meaningful way to honour the memory of a loved one. Knowing that your donation will help make a difference in the life of someone with a disability and their family may bring a sense of comfort.

Following receipt of your donation, the Brantwood Foundation will send a card to the family acknowledging your thoughtful gift. 

In Honor and In Memory donations can be made by contacting or be made online through CanadaHelps where you will have the option of sending a free eCard.